What are the benefits of using native plants in your landscape?

Our team at Moore’s Lawn Maintenance is committed to providing you with the best possible service and care for your lawn. Our weekly emails are an extension of this commitment. They give you tips and information to help you keep your lawn looking nice and healthy.

Today we will talk about using native plants in your landscape and how they can provide a range of benefits.


Low Maintenance: Native plants have adapted to the local climate and soil, so they need less water, fertilizer, and care than non-native plants. Once they are established, they are usually more hardy and can handle drought, pests, and disease better.

Biodiversity: Native plants provide birds, butterflies, and pollinators with important places to live and food sources. By using native plants in your yard, you can help support ecosystems in your area and increase biodiversity.

bird house

Conservation of Water: Native plants are used to the weather and soil in their area, so they need less water than non-native plants. By using native plants in your yard, you can cut down on how much water you use and help protect this valuable resource.

Reduced Pesticide Use: Native plants are generally more resistant to pests and diseases than non-native plants. By using native plants in your yard, you can cut down on the use of pesticides and make the environment healthier and more sustainable.

Cost reduction

Cost Savings: Using native plants in your landscape can actually save you money in the long run. Because they need less water, fertilizer, and maintenance, you can use less water, lower your utility bills, and avoid expensive maintenance and replacement costs.

Aesthetics: Native plants can be just as beautiful and colorful as non-native plants. By using a variety of native plants in your landscaping, you can create an outdoor space that is both beautiful and full of life. This space will also help local wildlife and be better for the environment.


Overall, using native plants in your landscape can have many benefits, such as being low-maintenance, increasing biodiversity, saving water, reducing pesticide use, saving money, and making your yard look nicer. By choosing native plants that do well in your area, you can create a beautiful, long-lasting outdoor space that helps local ecosystems and gives you and your community a lot of benefits.

We hope you find this information useful, and we look forward to continuing to support you with all of your lawn care needs.

Best regards,

Scot Moore

Moore’s Lawn Maintenance

Weekly inspirational quote: “Do something wonderful, people may imitate it! – Albert Schweitzer


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