As we move into the new season, our team at Moore’s Lawn Maintenance is committed to ensuring that your lawn is healthy, green, and beautiful. Our weekly posts are meant to keep you up-to-date on the latest lawn care tips and advice and to tell you about changes to our services. In this week's post, we will be discussing lawn diseases and some important lawn care practices to include to ensure your lawn stays healthy and thriving during this time of year.

Here are some pointers! It’s important to prevent and treat common lawn diseases if you want to keep your lawn healthy and looking good. Here are some strategies to consider: Proper cultural practices Good lawn care practices can help prevent many common lawn diseases. Keeping your lawn healthy and less likely to get sick means mowing it at the right height for the type of grass you have, watering it deeply but less often to encourage deep root growth, and fertilizing it properly.

Disease-resistant grasses: Choosing grasses that are resistant to common diseases is a good way to avoid problems with diseases. Different grass species and varieties have different levels of disease resistance, so it’s important to choose the right type of grass for your region and growing conditions.

lawn foundation, low-maintenance

Proper irrigation: Watering your lawn in the early morning can help reduce the amount of time that grass blades stay wet, which can reduce the likelihood of fungal disease development. Avoid watering in the late afternoon or evening, when grass blades will stay wet overnight.

Proper drainage: Proper drainage can help prevent the development of fungal diseases. If your lawn doesn’t drain well, you might want to add organic matter like compost to improve the structure of the soil and its ability to hold water. If cultural practices aren’t enough to prevent or stop diseases, fungicides may be needed. Fungicides work by preventing the growth and spread of fungal pathogens that cause disease. Be sure to choose a fungicide that is specifically labeled for the disease you are trying to control and follow the instructions carefully to minimize the risk of harm to humans, pets, and beneficial insects.

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Some common lawn diseases and their treatments include:

Brown patch: This is a fungal disease that shows up as brown spots that may be round or not. It can be stopped with the right amount of watering, good drainage, and fungicides that are made for brown patches.

Dollar spot: This disease appears as small, circular, straw-colored spots on the lawn. It can be stopped by making the soil more fertile, cutting down on the amount of thatch, and using fungicides that are labeled for dollar spot.

Pythium blight: This disease appears as irregularly shaped, water-soaked spots on the lawn. Giving the plants enough water, making sure the soil drains well, and using fungicides made for pythium blight can stop it.

Overall, preventing and treating common lawn diseases requires a mix of ways to keep them from happening, find them, and get rid of them. By taking care of your lawn the right way and using the right control methods, you can protect it from disease and keep it a healthy, beautiful place to be outside.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you for choosing Moore’s Lawn Maintenance as your lawn care provider.

Scot Moore

Moore’s Lawn Maintenance

Weekly inspirational quote: "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." - Albert Schweitzer

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